Consultancy and analytical service

At Acuvet we specialize in the analysis of acute-phase proteins: Blood proteins that increase in concentration when the animal is affected by disease, injury, or stress. These proteins are highly sensitive markers of inflammation, which are correlated to the degree of stress or severity of disease; thus, they can provide quantitative and objective measurement of animal welfare.


Interested in using these biomarkers but don’t know how to get started?

Do you lack the equipment to carry out analysis, or need a reliable analytical service?


In both basic research and trials evaluating drugs, nutraceuticals, livestock equipment, or breeding systems; biomarkers have a lot to offer. Acute-phase proteins offer an objective, easy-to-measure parameter for quantifying stress, inflammation, or animal welfare. Obtaining satisfactory results requires meticulous experimental design, and well-validated analytical tools that are appropriate for the species under investigation. At Acuvet, we specialize in exactly this. We can provide you with reliable tests for your studies. Our experts have extensive experience and scientific knowledge in this field, and are on-hand to assist you with any of your needs.


Do you want to use these biomarkers in a study?

Get in touch, we can advise on the best analytical options for your needs. We can also help with experimental design, performing analyses, and interpretation of results.


Animal production

Caring for animal welfare on farms is important. Not only from an ethical point of view, but also to increase productivity, reduce antibiotic consumption, and increase product quality in line with consumer demands. Biomarker analysis provides greater insight and control over the real on-farm state of health and well-being. Regular monitoring can detect subclinical diseases or stress-related conditions that may otherwise go unnoticed but could compromise animal welfare and farm profitability. Biomarkers are becoming an essential aspect of welfare certification and quality control along the production chain, as objective and easy-to-measure indicators of animal welfare.

Interested in using these biomarkers?

Our monitoring program AWbiosense includes development of the sampling protocol in collaboration with veterinarians or technical managers, and analytical services if required.

Want to know more? Contact us

Acuvet Biotech

Contact us

(+34) 976 731 533


C/ Bari, 25 duplicado
50197 Zaragoza (SPAIN)

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