Acuvet ELISA pig CRP

Immunoenzymatic test for the determination of C-reactive protein in pigs

Testing C-reactive protein can indicate the health and welfare status of animals on farms, or provide quantitative information on inflammation in experimental trials. Test with confidence using a species-specific, sensitive, and reliable test.


Available formats

Acuvet ELISA pig CRP, 96 test
Acuvet ELISA pig CRP, 192 test

Uses and advantages of our test

As a major acute-phase protein in pigs, CRP is a sensitive and fast-responder biomarker. It is used to detect and monitor inflammation or infection, even subclinical conditions.  When our CRP test is used in combination with Pig-MAP, you can be sure of high sensitivity in the detection of various diseases, and a reliable measure of animal health-and-welfare status. Our test provides a species-specific, properly validated assay to test with confidence. The ELISA method provides more sensitivity compared with turbidimetric analysis, and is also valid for hemolyzed samples.



• Species-specific
• Limit of detection: 2 ng/mL
• Working range: 7-220 ng/mL
• Assay time: 90 min
• Reading: 450 nm
• Matrix: Serum, plasma, others
• Valid for hemolyzed samples

Sandwich-type ELISA with polyclonal antibodies specific for pig CRP.

Porcine-specific standard calibrated with an internal reference material. There is not an international standard for pig CRP. 

Internal validation according to Eurachem´s guidelines.

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