New scientific publication

8 Mar 2018

A new automated turbidimetric immunoassay for the measurement of canine C-reactive protein.

This paper published in Veterinary Clinical Pathology shows the validation of Turbovet canine CRP, our test for measuring C-reactive protein in dog serum.

The objective of the study, carried out in collaboration with the University of Zaragoza and the Autonomous University of Barcelona, was to develop a turbidimetric method for canine CRP, using antibodies and calibrators specific for this species. The use of species-specific reagents and especially calibrators is important to obtain reliable analytical results. To achieve adequate sensitivity, a latex enhanced method was developed, which can be used in any open biochemistry analyzer. The technique is very precise, quantifies proportionally in the working range and does not present interferences from hemoglobin, bilirubin or triglycerides. It is therefore an accurate and robust method that allows results to be obtained automatically in a few minutes, providing an ideal analytical tool for the veterinary clinical laboratory.

  • Títle: A new automated turbidimetric immunoassay for the measurement of canine C-reactive protein.
  • Authors: Matilde Piñeiro, Raquel Pato, Lourdes Soler, Raquel Peña, Natalia García, Carlos Torrente, Yolanda Saco, Fermín Lampreave, Anna Bassols, Francesca Canalias.
  • Journal: Veterinary Clinical Pathology
  • First published: 2018
  • DOI: 10.1111/vcp.12576
    See publication


  • Turbovet canine CRP

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