New scientific publication

15 Mar 2018

Preparation of canine C-reactive protein serum reference material: a feasibility study.

This paper published in Veterinary clinical Pathology shows the studies carried out for the development of a reference material for canine CRP. This reference material is used to standardize our Turbovet canine CRP test.

Having a species-specific reference material is essential to harmonize analytical results and ensure that they are comparable between laboratories. In this study, carried out in collaboration with the University of Zaragoza and the Autonomous University of Barcelona, a reference material for canine CRP was developed. The reference material contains purified native canine CRP which was diluted in matrix based on dog serum, collected from healthy dogs. A pilot batch was prepared on which homogeneity and stability studies were carried out with satisfactory results. To assign the value to the reference material, a campaign was carried out in which 8 European laboratories participated analyzing the material and reporting their results.

  • Títle: Preparation of canine C-reactive protein serum reference material: A feasibility study
  • Authors: Francesca Canalias, Matilde Piñeiro, Raquel Pato, Raquel Peña , Lluís Bosch, Lourdes Soler, Natalia García , Fermín Lampreave , Yolanda Saco , Anna Bassols.
  • Journal: Veterinary Clinical Pathology
  • First published: 2018
  • DOI: 10.1111/vcp.12574
    See publication


  • Turbovet canine CRP

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